.: e-ISSN :2807-2944:. |
.: p-ISSN :2986-7568:. |
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Tim Editorial |
Tim Reviewer |
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Tim Reviewer
Drs. H. Mahrusun, M.Pd.I (STAI Denpasar)
Dr. Musyarapah (STAI Rakha Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan - Indonesia)
Dr. Moh. Irmawan Jauhari (STAI Ma'arif, Kendal, Ngawi - Indonesia)
Muhammad Anas Ma'arif (Institut Pesantren Kh. Abdul Chalim, Pacet, Mojokerto - Indonesia)
Junias Zulfahmi (STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh-Aceh - Indonesia)